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Meet Kit Hat Pattern

February 11, 2013
Meet Kit Hat - $20

Meet Kit Hat Pattern

I just published my first pattern!

Several months ago, a customer contacted me with a request to make a hat for her daughter just like Kit Kittredge, an American Girl.

I searched and searched, and could not find a similar enough hat pattern anywhere!  I couldn’t even find anybody else making what they claimed to be “Kit Hats.”  So, I downloaded some pictures and started on my project.

I took careful notes as I went, and was rather pleased with the final project.  I posted it on my site, and several weeks later, had another request for a Kit Hat.

Since, I’ve made several of the Meet Kit Hats and thought that it would be fun to post the pattern for others!  I’m sure there are many little girls out there who would like to match their Kit dolls.

This pattern is available for $4.50.  Purchase your pattern today!

This pattern was inspired by Kit Kittredge, and American Girl.

book cover jacket of "Meet Kit" it's an American Girl book


©2013 Warming the Heart

Pattern by Rebekah Bowers
Items made from this pattern may be sold, as long as credit is given to me and linked to me.

This pattern may not be copied and shared.  If you want to share this pattern, please direct them to my site.

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  1. February 11, 2013 5:41 pm

    Reblogged this on R Crafty Creations.


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