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Apple Scrapple 2013: Odds and Ends

September 10, 2013

I’m so excited!  The countdown continues.  Only a mere 4.5 weeks until the first craft show of the season!  I have been super busy getting ready, as you know.  Last night I finished the helmet part of my “famous” Gimli Inspired Helmet and Beard.  Only the beard strands left to go!  My “to do” list for this week is incredibly long, but seeing as it’s only Tuesday, I’m making fabulous progress!

This past weekend, my town held a town-wide yard sale/ flea market.  I scored on lots of random things that will be revamped and used in our booth.  Spray paint aisle, here I come!

Yes, it's a strange assortment of things.  I have specific plans for most of them.  Here's hoping that they will be much more attractive when I'm done with them!

Yes, it’s a strange assortment of things. I have specific plans for most of them. Here’s hoping that they will be much more attractive when I’m done with them!  And please don’t mind the trash in the background.  It’s been too warm to burn it in the wood stove, so it’s starting to pile up.  haha

My partner in crafts (haha and crime, probably) scored some fantastic items as well. I can’t wait until next Wednesday when we do a pre-setup of our booth!  On that note, my husband went to an auction a few weeks ago and came home with some lattice display pieces.  He intended to use them himself, that is, until I saw them and claimed them as my own.  (Since he’s being mentioned, I just want to throw in about how appreciative I am of his support and help in my craft show/ business endeavors!)  We are really excited to use these lattice pieces as a back drop of our booth.  We’ll be able to display more things!  Pin all the things to the lattice!

I’ve been really busy this week tagging all my items with business cards, care instructions and size listing, and prices.  I’m almost halfway through my 200+ items.  🙂  I’m also hoping to get around to finalizing another of my patterns this week as I make up a few things for the Apple Scrapple Festival.  I have two patterns in the works that just need some final touches, I’ve just been too busy to get to them!

I’m hoping next week, I’ll be able to make great progress on my Christmas-specific items for the Christmas craft show in December.  If things go according to plan this week, that is.  Since I actually have already started on some Christmas items (then realized I should focus on the show that comes first), I have made good progress on that front already.  I’m hoping that by the time the first show rolls around, that I will have time for Christmas orders, which generally tend to pick up around late September.  I’ve already received a Christmas order this year!

Onward toward Apple Scrapple! ♥

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  1. September 11, 2013 12:48 pm

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