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My New Sweater – Crochet Along

July 17, 2013

I finished my sweater at least a week ago, and I finally got around to taking pictures and taking a video last night.  I’m not too sure about this sweater (as is explained in the video).  However, I think the pictures turned out nice!

July 060

July 061


July 063


July 065


Following Elisabeth’s example, I also created a little video.

Yes, my house is yellow.  Or orange.  Or whatever color that is.  No, I didn’t pick it.  It sorta picked me.  😀  It does make a great conversation piece or landmark.  Almost every person in my area knows about my house.  lol

If you want to make this sweater, or participate in the crochet along (even though it’s over), visit the first post for the information! ♥

3 Comments leave one →
  1. July 17, 2013 1:40 pm

    Reblogged this on R Crafty Creations.


  2. Rhonda Camp permalink
    September 3, 2013 12:50 pm

    I really like your sweater, but agree it is a couple sizes too large for you. Please tell me about the little table between your rocking chairs. I ❤ it.


  3. September 3, 2013 12:54 pm

    🙂 It was supposed to be “roomy,” but was bigger than I wanted. 🙂

    That table is just a part of a tree. 🙂 We heat our home with a wood stove, so my husband was out collecting wood, and thought this piece would make a great table, so now it is on my porch! I love it too! 😀 It’s super heavy, though. lol


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